Sunday, February 20, 2011

Birthday Party

We all had a blast at Kira's birthday party last night.  We had Kira's choice for dinner, a wonderful chicken pasta alfredo with broccoli prepared by our chef Britnee and bread sticks from Lynette's kitchen.

Then we watched a slideshow of Kira pictures.

We jammed to a playlist Kira compiled and then had cake and ice cream.  After the Birthday Song, Ben helped blow out 2 candles, much to Kira's chagrin.

A short while later, a couple of Kira's friends from Young Women in our ward came to party, give her gifts, partake of some cake, cupcakes and ice cream, and then accompany her and Brianne to a multi-stake youth dance.
Finally the little ones ran around the gym while we were cleaning things up (well, it was really during the whole party).  During the tear-down, Nathan brought Naomee to us.  She was crying pretty loudly, which is very strange for her.  Then we saw the blood.
She had gashed just under her chin open in one of the bathrooms.  The bathroom doors at the church open in, with just a push, however you have to pull on a handle about 40" up to open them.  We're still not sure how she cut her chin, but Nathan heard her crying and ran in to get her.  It must have just happened because the first drop of blood hit her sweater as he was rushing her to us.
Britnee sped her off to the hospital, as quickly as she could safely in the snow storm, and I finished cleaning up from the party.  Britnee said she got over the pain and was really enjoying messing with the TV and running around checking everything out in the ER observation room.
A couple hours and three stitches later momma brought our baby home.  She was a little tear stained from the anesthesia needle poking her in the open wound and being held tightly during the stitching in a swaddling blanket hold.  At least they didn't have to use a papoose board like they did for Brianne's forehead gash when she was little.
She's back to normal today.  Doesn't even seem to remember anything is wrong with her, thank goodness.  I thought she might be pulling at the stitches today.  Momma held it together well too.

Naomee will get her stitches out on Thursday.
Thanks to all our family that helped out with the party and send cards and gifts.  We love you all!

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